Thursday, July 27, 2006

mi boyo & pie

this is mi boyo. don't he look fine? all professional and suchlike. yeah he do. yeah he do!

and in other, utterly unrelated news. the other night there was pie. and the pie was delicious. and it came also with ice cream. of the yummy variety. and i thought hey wait just a darn minute... you're trying to make me fat, aren't you?!? or worse, trying to make my suger high so i have to walk 2 miles every night in order to survive without loosing my feet to gangrene!!!!

and then of course, i calmed down and ate some pie. with some ice cream. and proclaimed it good. very good.

Monday, July 17, 2006


yes i realize there are rules for dating. those unwritten, invisible-to-the-naked-eye, rules that nevertheless reign supreme on the dating scene. but i surely didn't realize that playing games was one of them. sue me. i guess i don't work the scene as much as i used to.

imo, games aren't such a good thing. if you want to see me, if i want to see you, then why pretend otherwise? also, if you're not a "scintillating person 24/7" what does that matter? heck, neither am i. there's no need to force yourself to seem other than what you are. in fact, if you do, i'd call that false advertising, or fraud, depending on my mood.

and then there's the whole "guys quit with the compliments." mmm, i just don't know. if i think you're cute, funny, and dress like you actually understand the color wheel, i'm going to say so. and you should too. honesty is a good policy. say what you feel. i'm a grown person. and if that honesty ends up hurting my delicate feelings, then with the professional help of dr. beam, among others, i'll eventually get over it. slight digression to say that honesty cut with gentle-ness is the best, no make that the best-est, policy.

it pains me but i gotta admit that i agree with the "ladies take his number" though. but only for security reasons. ladies who keep their numbers aren't playing a game, they are just keeping their sweet behinds safer.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

things folks do...

this morning i was surfing liberation, as is my wont; it's always a good thing to keep abreast of the news. and i came across this article on hair removal. a pretty inocuous descriptor but honestly the article made my jaw drop. i was almost a bit horrified; modesty is quite dead, isn't she.

the interesting thing is that the article isn't just about women. i'd suggest altavista's babelfish translator if french isn't quite your forté, or alternatively libé might send you a translation if you ask them.