Wednesday, April 15, 2009


the padded walls are for your protection
as is the snug jacket

sure you can see the garden outside
but you can't go
it isn't safe

and we're here for your protection.

yes we told you that you'd be free to do and go and eat
and you can, as long as you do and go and eat what we tell you

because we love you
we want the best for you

and as soon as you realize that, and conform to our rules
then you can go out and convert others
to be just as much sons of satan as we are.

it's for your protection
we love you

Friday, April 10, 2009


familial obligations
are an odd thing
especially as i'm not in the family.
and yet i feel bound
to make the bindings more secure
even to the expense of my individual.

..."what's a boy in love supposed to do?" (erasure)

Monday, April 06, 2009

frère à moi

the smell of oil and grease

soot from the engine block

his garage in spring