it was always a dark and stormy night...

right then. here's the deal. it's similar to nanowrimo. you know, the one that takes place in november? yup, that's the one. this also involves spending a chunk of time hunched over a computer, or typewriter, or even a pad of paper (presumably with a pen/pencil/stylus of some sort) in hand. the catch is that in august the topic will be mysteries, of the noir or not-so-noir varieties. so give the picture a click, and come join the fun. we're in the planning stages now, and august looks to be full of darkly handsome, or dangerously beautiful, people doing dark deeds.
for those who might wonder, nope i had nothing to do with putting this together. on my honor, what there is left of it. lol.
now back to your regularly scheduled therapy sessions, be they horizontal or vertical.
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